

Home > Areas of Practice > International Consultancy

Equipo Económico (Ee)
has a clear global vocation,
with the aim of assisting
Spanish companies with their
international growth plans

Equipo Económico (Ee) has a clear global vocation, with the aim of assisting Spanish companies with their international growth plans, especially in the United States and Latin America. Consultancy in this area is mainly aimed at identifying business opportunities for the different sectors, including the financial, energy, construction and tourism, communications and technological markets.

Infrastructures have a noteworthy presence in this consultancy, collaborating on the identification of new projects and the design of public-private financing operations in which Spanish businesses can participate, with local partners, where appropriate.

Thanks to EQUIPO ECONOMICO´s wealth of experience, advice on economic and social matters extends to the field of multilateral financial institutions, such as the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Andean Development Corporation, which play a major role in carrying out projects in Latin America.

Moreover, our services include assistance to create the corporate and organizational structure of the Spanish firm abroad. Among these services, we offer the collaboration necessary to identify and facilitate recruitment of local attorneys. We also coordinate with them the flow of documentation necessary for the incorporation of subsidiary firms, provision of the necessary structure and obtaining permissions and licenses to commence the corporate activity to be carried out.

Examples of our experience.

Examples of our


Support to companies over the
analysis and monitoring of changes
in European legislation, EU programs
and in current activity within the
European Union, to obtain necessary
information to enable companies to
participate in the decision-making
process when the time is right.

Economic analysis of the present
and future performance of various
European markets to support a
multinational’s strategic decisions
regarding their investors in Europe.


Support to Spanish companies in search
of local partners, consortium design,
financial structure definition and quest
for financing from multilateral institutions.

Support the carrying out of legal initiatives
in public-private partnership and concessions,
renewable energies, data processing, tax
efficiency and attraction, or the establishment
of a favorable framework for the development
of small and medium-sized firms.



Guidance to private companies
over their introduction in a determined
sector, drafting market studies by State
and pinpointing business opportunities
of interest in accordance with client
profile and characteristics.

Analysis of the regulatory framework
from the administrative, economic and
tax point of view to support investment
decisions of Spanish companies
in the USA.



Analysis of diverse bilateral and
multilateral financing possibilities
available to Spanish companies to
carry out projects in Central Asia
and China.

Application of Spanish experience
to developing public-private
partnerships in this part of the world.


Experts in International Consultancy

Partner Managing Director
Business taxation

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Economic analysis and International affairs

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Senior Analyst I Economic analysis and International affairs

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Your tax & legal advisor. Your economic and financial expert

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