June 2022

Legal Observatory Ee: The CJEU has declared that Spanish law excessively limits the right of injured parties to be compensated by the State when Union law is contravened.

June 2022

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Eurozone risk premia start to rise, especially in the most indebted countries

June 2022

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Ee Legal Observatory: the Supreme Court applies the principle of good administration to the obligation to justify delays for reasons not attributable to the Administration.

June 2022

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May 2022

Equipo Económico (Ee) forecasts for the main macroeconomic magnitudes of the Spanish economy in 2022 and 2023

May 2022

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Inflation spreads across a large part of the economic sectors and differentially between the Autonomous Communities

May 2022

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April 2022

Business strategy to face inflation

April 2022

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