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Pierre Moinet Ybarra

Deputy Director – Financial consultancy

”Connection and responsibility to achieve the objectives of our clients.”



Pierre Moinet Ybarra is Deputy Director of the Financial Area of Equipo Economico, a firm he joined in April 2012. He has extensive experience in preparing expert reports of economic and financial nature, for subsequent ratification and defense before the corresponding jurisdictional courts. Highlighting in this area the preparation of technical reports in accordance with the provisions of labor regulations for the processes of individual and collective dismissals, ERTEs and substantial modification of working conditions, as well as expert reports on the accreditation and quantification of economic damages for the breach of contracts, disputes arising from conflicts between shareholders, concessional economic imbalances, and on the economic reasonableness of projects presented in bids.

He is also specialized in the preparation and/or review of business plans (IBRs) in financial debt restructuring/refinancing processes, strategic and economic advice to companies with the aim of increasing their efficiency and competitiveness, financial Due Diligence reports, and financial valuations of companies in terms of mergers, acquisitions and fundraising.

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He has a Degree in Business Administration and Management (Specialization in Finance) from CUNEF,

he previously worked in Madrid in one of the Big Fours (Transfer Pricing) and Banco Santander (M&A).

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